I need a sql that returns thequery result as comma seperated list of values, instead of several rows. Below is the scenario...
Table Name - Customer
Columns - CustomerID, Join Date
Say below is the data of Customer table ...
CustomerID JoinDate
1 04/01/2005
2 01/03/2003
3 06/02/2004
4 01/05/2002
5 09/07/2005
Now i want to retrieve all the customerid's who have joined this year. Below is the query that i use for this case.
Select CustomerID from Customer where JoinDate between '01/01/2005' and GetDate()
This gives the below result as two rows.
But i need to get the result as '1,5' (comma seperated list of resulting values).
Any help is highly appreciated
Thanks in Advance
declare @.value nvarchar(200)
Select@.value=case when @.value is null then '' else @.value+',' end+cast(CustomerID as varchar) from Customer where JoinDate between '01/01/2005' and GetDate()
You can manage your goal by using COALESCE
Please check the following URLs for sample COALESCE usage for returning the column values of a tables in a string seperated by a delimeter character.
As a sample you can run the below code on Northwind database also
DECLARE @.s as nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @.char as char(1)
SELECT @.char = ','
SELECT @.s = @.char
SELECT @.s = COALESCE(FirstName + @.char + @.s , '') FROM Employees
SELECT SUBSTRING(@.s, 0, LEN(@.s)-1) AS Employees
I hope this helps,
Hi All,
I Solved the problem with the below query...
DECLARE @.CustomerIDs VARCHAR(8000)
SELECT @.CustomerIDs = ISNULL(@.CustomerIDs + ',', '') + CAST(CustomerID AS VARCHAR(10))
WHERE JoinDate BETWEEN '01/01/2005' and GetDate()
SELECT @.CustomerIDs AS CustomerID
|||It's great! It really worked fine. Thanks a lot...
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