Monday, March 26, 2012

Need SQL server advice

Hi, I need some advice concerning a windows application I'm building using SQL server as it's database.

The idea is to have a main enterprise SQL server database on the company network. The application will be installed on stand alone computers with it's own Standard SQL server database which will mirror the network database. This is so users can work with the application when not connected to the network.

The Network database will often be updated with new data and I will program the application so that everytime it is opened it will check the network database for new data and then update the local database. Of course this can only happen if the computer is connected to the network.

My questions are:

1. When installing the application on a users computer is it possible to initate the setup for the local SQL server in the application setup?

2.Once the setup is complete can there be a transfer of all the data tables and stored procedures on the network database to the local database automatically or would I have to create all that through code?

3.When there is an update of data from the network database to the local database can this be done transparently to the user or would this have to happen through DTS.

thanks for any advice on these questions

1. When installing the application on a users computer is it possible to initate the setup for the local SQL server in the application setup?

You must have a "class module" in the application that stores the connection string. when the application run the very first time you may read the connection string from a file then store it to the CM.connstring

At the form load event of every form you can assign the connection string to your connection object.


2.Once the setup is complete can there be a transfer of all the data tables and stored procedures on the network database to the local database automatically or would I have to create all that through code?

you must design a transactional replication or merge replication with the server

3.When there is an update of data from the network database to the local database can this be done transparently to the user or would this have to happen through DTS.

answer on #2 resolves this also


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