Monday, February 20, 2012

Need help with UDF useage. Trying to get away without using cursor.

I have a Function (say X) that takes 2 parameters and returns back a table result of multiple records.

And I have a query (say Q) that return rows of 2 columns that I need to feed Function X.

They way I do it right now is I have a cursor that loops through the result of Query Q
and call Function X as I pass the 2 values the the function.

As Function X return with the result set, I load it into a temporary table.

At the end of the cursor processing, I query the temporary table to return the complete result set.

Is there a way do this without using a cursor?

Here is my Function X top part:

alter FUNCTION ReturnItem
@.tableName varchar(50),
@.ItemID int
returns @.returnTable table
ItemName varchar(50),
ItemValue varchar(50),
[Timestamp] datetime


You want to use the CROSS APPLY capability of SS2k5 to "apply" the rows of one table to a UDF. Here is an example:

c1 INT,
c2 INT

INSERT QuerySource VALUES (1,1)
INSERT QuerySource VALUES (2,3)
INSERT QuerySource VALUES (10,15)
INSERT QuerySource VALUES (16,13)

@.p1 INT,
@.p2 int
returns @.returnTable table
AddResult int,
SubtractResult int,
TimesResult int,
DivideResult int
INSERT @.returnTable SELECT @.p1+@.p2, @.p1-@.p2,@.p1*@.p2,@.p1/@.p2

FROM QuerySource qs CROSS APPLY dbo.ReturnItem(qs.c1, qs.c2)

|||Hello. Thank you very much for you help. That is exactly what I wanted to do. I never knew such feature exist. Anyway, I was afraid that when the number of data being passed becomes really big, the cursor will slow things down hence, I have to find this solution.

Thank you again.


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